B4T has seen growth in South Africa as they have welcomed a new B4T Developer in Durban. This year B4T has managed to create intentional partnerships with local organizations around South Africa which have led to more training opportunities for individuals who are keen to start up new businesses or continue running businesses in a godly manner.
Through the different partnerships, B4T has been part of Elim Residential Home where seven mothers were trained and could launch a business named “Mothers Kitchen”. This new business has empowered these women so much, they are now busy working on a business plan to get a machine from India that can make over 400 Roti’s within an hour. With the help and partnership of B4T, it is trusted that they will manage to receive this machine for their business soon.
With the ongoing partnership with Good News Community Radio, a lady called Mary Ann was amazed by what she heard during an interview about the impact of B4T training. She did the training herself and connected 13 ladies from Durban from Umgeni Empowerment Centre for them to also do the training. This created an opportunity for the ladies who are faced with difficult circumstances to open up and share their struggles as well. Some ladies are struggling to keep their businesses running because of the thieves in their communities but through this new partnerships, B4T and other organizations some ladies were able to get help for start-up.
Recently B4T facilitated another training, one of the participants who is an Auto Detailer and a Golf trainer. Shared his testimony with the participants; he has been suffering from anxiety and panic attacks and could not be in a room with many people or talk in front of an audience. B4T team had no idea he suffered from this, on the last day of training he mentioned what he has been through and how this training has changed his life. He is now dedicated to serving God through his own business and to making a kingdom impact around where he is. God has set him free; it came as a shock to the team as they trained him without knowing his fears and concerns. He only came to the training because his mother insisted, he comes. He cannot get over what God has done, and he realised it’s not about the money.