How We Operate


The Developer is an experienced business person who has a ‘nose’ for businesses that are likely to be successful. He or she is ready to commit to the long hard slog of working with Entrepreneurs to help their businesses grow, thrive and become sustainable.


We look actively for Entrepreneurs who are believers and have a heart for God and people who already own and run small and medium sized businesses. We look for ‘job makers’ rather than ‘job seekers’ and therefore we do not spend time on microfinance.

Well over 200 entrepreneurs in eight countries have already become ‘B4T Businesses’.


God has granted financial resources to many believers. Some want their money to make a positive ongoing impact to grow the Kingdom – and to make it happen again and again. Investors embark on investor trips and meet the Entrepreneurs face to face. They then make their decisions. The Developer follows up and helps to provide communication and accountability between the parties.

Kingdom Impact

We challenge each Entrepreneur to recognize that their business belongs to God and that He calls them and uniquely gifts them to do business. To glorify God through following biblical principles in every area of life. B4T works towards a fourfold transformation:

Social: Ethical dealings with clients, suppliers, employees; hiring the disadvantaged; participating in community life.

Environmental: Leading the way in sound resource management; developing products or methods that respect creation, reduce waste and improve efficiency.

Economic: Through sound practices, generating wealth through hard work and excellence that provides increased gainful employment and the capacity to financially support the poor and other worthy causes.

Spiritual: Business are run as worship to God and invest in the personal well-being of employees and their families. Local ministries are supported through profits.

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