About Us
Our Vision And Mission
To see Kingdom Business fulfill its vital role in the Great Commission
Kingdom Impact
The purpose of all B4T businesses is to make an impact that is distinctive to the way Jesus’s Kingdom is intended to be on Earth.
Our Mission
To empower indigenous believers and churches for the work of ministry (Eph. 4:12) by multiplying Kingdom businesses in poor and unreached communities.
Our Values
We Listen To Jesus
It carries with it the idea that the Lord is the one we follow. B4T is based on His leadership. We consult Him often and rely on Him utterly.
We Trust One Another
In order to build trust we need to be ‘trustworthy’.
Trust is based on competence as well as doing the things we said we would do.
We Do Things Well
Our work is our worship.
We want B4T.org to reflect the glory of God and his perfect work.
B4T Ecosystem
We focus on identifying and equipping national, believing entrepreneurs. We do this by building an ecosystem around the businesses consisting of 4 elements.
Our History
In 2010 Raymond Yap and Mike Lyth (co-founders of Business 4 Transformation – B4T.org) took up the challenge of bringing OM’s (Operation Mobilisation) Business as Mission efforts onto a common and more effective platform. Pioneer efforts by their nature involve testing different ways of working to find the most effective ones. This has been a road less traveled, but we are very thankful that God has walked with us and opened the way.